Amy has extensive experience and qualifications in the following discplines:

Psychic Mediumship / Tarot Readings
With Mediumship, you receive messages from your loved ones who have passed. Tarot Readings will focus on your Present and Future. We can do one, or both. *Amy reads Women & Couples only

Monthly Paid Spiritual Subscription
Amy offers 2 tiers of Paid Monthly Subscriptions. Monthly readings, weekly guidance, receive one crystal per month, monthly Reiki, and more!

As a Reiki Master, Amy uses Universal Life Force energy to heal your physical body, your mind/emotion, and your spirit from accidents, trauma, stress, injuries and more.

6 week minimum of Weekly coaching classes for women. We focus on Spiritual Growth and Personal Growth, so you achieve being the best version of YOU!

Virtual one-on-one classes include Tarot (I & II), and also Reiki (I, II, III). All classes are scheduled around YOU. No set time limits, we go until you finish (self paced).

Removal of Negative energetic cords (family, friends, ex partners ,etc..) preventing you from moving froward in your life, in a positive way.